Tuesday, August 28, 2012

September Selection Poll

What would you like to read this September?
pollcode.com free polls 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome to Better Read Than Dead

Welcome to Better Read than Dead... if you are joining us, you are likely an avid reader who loves experiencing books with others who might broaden your horizons or maybe even make you read something you normally wouldn't.

This isn't your mother's book club.  Selections will be chosen by suggestions and put to a vote.  We try to keep things interesting by rotating genres.  You might read a classic one month, and a steamy thriller the next.

1)  There will be, under NO circumstances, ANY personal drama/trauma in group chat.  You don't have to like one another, but take that shit somewhere else.
2)  Beyond personal drama, there won't be any censorship in the group.  This is a group that may at time contain mature subjects or language in describing opinions.  As long as it doesn't get personal, most anything goes.  Please keep group chat book/literature related.
3)  You are welcome to make book suggestions and are encouraged to do so.  Please keep in mind that not everyone can go out and buy the newest releases.  That said, any books read will be older releases that would be readily available at the library or discount bookstores.  If you do have a suggestion, please contact one of the group owners (the people in bold) and make your suggestion.
4)  We will not be reading any series.  These are time consuming, and unless it is agreed upon by the majority of the group, these will be skipped.  These items would be better suited for reading on your own personal time.
5)  Chances are there will be a book or two that you either do not want to read, or just can't get through.  You are more than welcome to sit a selection out, or read as much as you can and then join in discussion as to what it was about the selection that you didn't enjoy.
6)  If it's something you have already read, you are more than welcome to join in on the discussion, but please don't spoil any material for those who haven't read it before they have finished. 

Other than that, this place is meant to be a fun place to meet and discuss.  Have fun, join in often, and keep an open mind.  There's nothing so magical as getting lost in a book.